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Corrosion behavior of medical Ti6Al4V alloys prepared by electron beam melting in artificial body fluid
中文关键词:  电子束熔融  Ti6Al4V  耐腐蚀性能
英文关键词:Electron beam melting  Ti6Al4V  Corrosion resistance
魏崇斌1,2 马骏1,2 王彩梅1,2* 马小林1,2 杨晓杰1,2 张卫平1,2 李志疆1,2  
通讯作者:魏崇斌1,2 马骏1,2 王彩梅1,2* 马小林1,2 杨晓杰1,2 张卫平1,2 李志疆1,2    
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      目的 研究电子束熔融技术(EBM)3D打印制备的医用Ti6Al4V不同打印截面在Hank's模拟人工体液中的电化学腐蚀行为。方法 采用开路电位和动电位极化曲线方法研究了Ti6Al4V不同打印截面,分别记为EBM-XOY面(垂直于打印方向的钛合金截面)和EBM-YOZ面(平行于打印方向的钛合金截面),在Hank's模拟人工体液中的电化学腐蚀行为,利用SEM、XRD和金相显微镜分析了其表面形貌和物相组成及其腐蚀机理,并与传统医用锻造Ti6Al4V进行了对比研究。结果 与传统医用锻造Ti6Al4V合金相比,EBM-YOZ面钛合金在Hank’s模拟人工体液中的开路电位、腐蚀电位和腐蚀电流与之相当,显示出与之接近的耐腐蚀性能;EBM-XOY面钛合金的耐腐蚀性能较EBM-XOZ面和传统锻造钛合金稍差,主要原因是EBM-XOY面的α+β相界面积大,α相含量较高,且被优先溶解,因此,耐腐蚀性能较差。结论 电子束熔融制造的Ti6Al4V不同截面的耐腐蚀性能不同,EBM-YOZ面的耐腐蚀性能与传统医用锻造钛合金相当,EBM-XOY面的耐腐蚀性能稍差。
      Objective To study the corrosion behavior of medical Ti6Al4V alloys prepared by electron beam melting with EBM-XOY and EBM-YOZ cross-section that respect to the build direction in Hank’s solution. Methods Corrosion behavior and mechanism of the alloys was investigated in Hank's solution by means of open-circuit potential and potentiodynamic polarization techniques. The surface morphologies and phases were analyzed by SEM, XRD and optical micrographs. Commercially forged medical Ti6Al4V was also investigated to make a comparison. Results In comparison with forged Ti6Al4V, EBM-YOZ Ti6Al4V exhibited a good corrosion resistance with nearly the same open-circuit potential, corrosion potential and corrosion current. EBM-XOY Ti6Al4V exhibited inferior corrosion behavior to EBM-YOZ and forged Ti6Al4V alloys. This behavior can be attributed to more α phase and α+β phase interfaces, and the α phase appeared to be corroded to continued dissolution than the β phase. Conclusion The different cross-section of medical Ti6Al4V prepared by electron beam melting has the different corrosion resistance. EBM-YOZ section which is parallel to the build direction exhibited the similar corrosion resistance with commercially forged Ti6Al4V, while EBM-XOY section which is perpendicular to the build direction shown inferior corrosion behavior.
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