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Clinical research on the artificial dermis Pelnac for the treatment of distal finger defect
中文关键词:  皮耐克  人工真皮  骨外露  指端缺损  自体皮片移植
英文关键词:Pelnac  Artificial dermis  Bone exposure  Fingertip defect  Autologous skin graft
包一涵 蔡明 韦卫甲  
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      目的 探讨应用单纯皮耐克移植覆盖和皮耐克联合自体薄层皮片移植治疗新鲜指端缺损的临床效果。方法 2013年1月~2015年12月,笔者单位收治指端缺损患者61例,手术方案根据患者单号双号入院随机分为实验组和对照组。其中实验组为单纯皮耐克移植覆盖患指残端和对照组采用皮耐克联合自体薄层皮片移植治疗患指。所有患者均得到了有效的治疗,术后均定期换药和按时随访。结果 两组在瘢痕形成、术后感染、二次手术、残端痛温度觉未见明显差异(P>0.05);而在术后色泽、弹性、住院时间和治疗费用方面皮耐克组要优于植自体皮组(P<0.05),在创面完全愈合时间上植自体皮组优于皮耐克组(P<0.05)。结论 指端缺损患者选择单纯皮耐克覆盖治疗,在总体治疗效果方面与联合自体薄层皮片移植治疗基本相当,并且在临床应用单纯皮耐克覆盖更加简单易行,无二次手术损伤,住院时间及治疗费用相对较低,而且外观饱满及弹性佳。所以单纯应用皮耐克在治疗指端缺损方面是安全有效及简单易行的,易于在基层医院推广。
      Objective To investigate the clinical effect of the application of simple Pelnac skin grafting and Pelnac combined with autologous skin grafting for the treatment of fresh fingertip defects. Methods Between Jan 2013 and Dec 2015, 61 patients with fingertip defects were randomly divided into experimental group and control group according to the patients’ admission time odd numbers and even numbers, patients in the experimental group were treated with skin grafting of Pelnac, and the control group was treated with Pelnac combined with autologous thin skin grafting for the treatment of fingertip defects. All patients were given effective treatment, regular dressing and scheduled follow-up. Results In scar formation, postoperative infection, secondary operation , pain and warm sonse , there were no significance diffevence between the two groups(P>0.05). While, comparing the color, elasticity, length of hospital stay and cost of treatment, there was statistical difference in the Pelnac group than in the autologous skin group(P<0.05), the Pelnac group was superior than the autologous skin group, however, the healing time of the autologous skin group was shorter than that of the Pelnac group(P<0.05). Conclusion In terms of the overall therapeutic effect, the two groups were similar. The use of Pelnac in clinical application is simpler, without re-operation injuries, with shorter length of hospital stay and low treatment cost, and the appearance was ample and flexible. Pelnac in the treatment of fingertip defect is effective and safe, and easy to popularize in the grass-roots level hospital.
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