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Lumbar Spinal fusion with a mineralized collagen matrix and rhBMP-2 in a rabbit model
中文关键词:  骨传导  骨诱导  nHAC/PLA复合材料  骨形态发生蛋白  后路脊柱融合
英文关键词:Osteoinductive  Osteoconductive  nHAC/PLA composite  Bone morphogenetic protein  Posterolateral spine fusion
廖素三1关凯2崔福斋1*孙天胜1 1清华大学材料科学与工程系生物材料实验室北京100084 2北京军区总医院骨科,北京100700 
郭家伟 郑召民 中山大学孙逸仙纪念医院骨科 (510120) 
通讯作者:廖素三1关凯2崔福斋1*孙天胜1  1清华大学材料科学与工程系生物材料实验室,北京100084 2北京军区总医院骨科,北京100700  
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      目的 用兔的脊柱后路横突间融合模型来评价一种新型的仿生矿化胶原基质:nHAC/PLA复合或不复合生长因子rhBMP-2 的骨形成能力。方法 64只兔子分为4组:自体髂骨,nHAC/PLA,自体骨+nHAC/PLA,nHAC/PLA+BMP-2。术后6周和10周观察。结果 自体骨+nHAC/PLA和nHAC/PLA+BMP-2与自体骨移植的效果相当。结论 nHAC/PLA+BMP-2可代替自体骨移植用于骨科手术中。
      Objective This study evaluates the bone-forming acvitivity of a new biomimetic mineralized collagen matrix: nano-Hydroxyapatite/collagen/PLA (nHAC/PLA) combined without or with recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 (rhBMP-2) in a rabbit poster lateral spinal fusion. Methods Sixty-four rabbits were divided into four groups: autogenous cancellous bone (ACB), nHAC/PLA, ACB+nHAC/PLA, nHAC/PLA+BMP-2. Optimal formulations of the ACB+nHAC/PLA and nHAC/PLA+BMP-2 groups are shown to perform similar to autograft in both the rate and strength of fusion in the 6 and 10 weeks after surgery. Results The nHAC/PLA composite with rhBMP-2 provides an effective alternative to autograft for bone grafting procedures. Conclusion The nHAC/PLA+BMP-2 can be used in orthopedic operation substitus autogenous bone.
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