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Personalized 3D-printed porous titanium-polyethylene composite prosthesis for total wrist arthroplasty: Application and short-to-medium term clinical outcomes
中文关键词:  腕假体  关节成形术  置换  3D打印微孔钛  人工腕关节
英文关键词:Wrist prosthesis  Arthroplasty  Replacement  3D printing of microporous titanium  Artificial wrist joint
徐永清 中国人民解放军联勤保障部队第九二〇医院骨科云南 昆明650032 650032
蔡兴博 中国人民解放军联勤保障部队第九二〇医院骨科云南 昆明650032 650032
范新宇 中国人民解放军联勤保障部队第九二〇医院骨科云南 昆明650032 650032
李川 中国人民解放军联勤保障部队第九二〇医院骨科云南 昆明650032 650032
林玮 中国人民解放军联勤保障部队第九二〇医院骨科云南 昆明650032 650032
王腾 中国人民解放军联勤保障部队第九二〇医院骨科云南 昆明650032 650032
浦绍全 中国人民解放军联勤保障部队第九二〇医院骨科云南 昆明650032 650032
俞天白 苏州微创关节医疗科技有限公司江苏 苏州215000 215000
陈炳泉 苏州微创关节医疗科技有限公司江苏 苏州215000 215000
摘要点击次数: 106
全文下载次数: 69
      目的 评价自主设计的个体化3D打印微孔钛聚乙烯组合人工腕关节置换的初中期临床疗效和安全性。方法 自2019年2月至2023年7月,对32例晚期腕关节疾病患者进行个性化置换手术。评价术前、术后评估测量腕关节疼痛(VAS评分-100分制),腕关节活动度(掌屈、背伸、尺偏、桡偏、旋前、旋后),以及握力、腕关节X线片情况。结果 所有患者获得随访,随访时间6 ~ 60个月,平均24.44个月。虽然部分病例尚未达到5年随访,但已有的随访结果可以初步评估3D打印微孔钛人工腕关节置换术的中期疗效和安全性。末次随访时,VAS评分由术前的(52.34±17.64)分减少为(2.81±3.80)分(P<0.01);握力由术前的(8.13±5.97)kg增加至术后的(14.78±5.62)kg(P<0.01);腕关节活动度由术前的掌屈0.00(0.00,20.00)、背伸(32.34±20.98)增加到术后掌屈20.00(10.00,10.00)、背伸(38.13±17.31)(P<0.05)。假体均无松动和脱位,患者满意度高。结论 自主设计的个体化3D打印微孔钛聚乙烯组合人工腕关节置换具有较好的安全性和初中期临床疗效。
      Objective To evaluate the short-to-medium-term clinical efficacy and safety of the independently designed, individualized 3D-printed porous titanium-polyethylene composite artificial wrist joint replacement.Methods From February 2019 to July 2023, 32 patients with late-stage wrist joint diseases underwent personalized replacement surgery. Wrist joint pain (VAS score), range of motion (palmar flexion, dorsiflexion, ulnar deviation, radial deviation, pronation, supination), grip strength, and wrist joint X-ray findings were assessed preoperatively and postoperatively.Results All patients were followed up, with a follow-up duration of 6 to 60 months (mean, 24.44 months). Although some patients have not yet reached the 5-year follow-up, the available follow-up results can provide a preliminary evaluation of the medium-term efficacy and safety of 3D-printed porous titanium artificial wrist joint replacement. At the final follow-up, the VAS score decreased from preoperative (52.34±17.64) to (2.81±3.80) (P<0.01); grip strength increased from preoperative (8.13±5.97) kg to postoperative (14.78±5.62) kg (P<0.01); wrist joint range of motion increased from preoperative palmar flexion 0.00 (0.00, 20.00) and dorsiflexion (32.34±20.98) to postoperative palmar flexion 20.00 (10.00, 10.00) (P<0.05) and dorsiflexion (38.13±17.31) (P<0.05). No prosthesis loosening or dislocation occurred, and patient satisfaction was high.Conclusion The independently designed, individualized 3D-printed porous titanium-polyethylene composite artificial wrist joint replacement demonstrates favorable safety and short-to-medium-term clinical efficacy.
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