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Epidemiological analysis of wrist fractures in National Center for Orthopaedics of Shanghai Sixth People's Hospital from 2023 to 2024
中文关键词:  骨折  腕部骨折  流行病学  性别分布  年龄分布
英文关键词:Fracture  Wrist fracture  Epidemiology  Gender distribution  Age distribution
王旭 上海市第六人民医院(上海交通大学医学院附属第六人民医院)骨科国家骨科医学中心上海200233 200233
徐霖斌 上海市第六人民医院(上海交通大学医学院附属第六人民医院)骨科国家骨科医学中心上海200233 200233
钱运* 上海市第六人民医院(上海交通大学医学院附属第六人民医院)骨科国家骨科医学中心上海200233 200233
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      目的 分析上海市第六人民医院国家骨科医学中心正式启动一年来腕部骨折住院诊疗流行病学特征。方法 回顾性收集2023年2月至2024年2月上海市第六人民医院国家骨科医学中心住院诊治的腕部骨折患者,统计腕部骨折中各类不同骨折的构成,并对其与性别、年龄和住院时间变化趋势的关系进行分析。结果 共收集了腕部骨折患者数据2 960例,其中男性1 297例(43.82%),女性1 663例(56.18%),男女比例为1∶1.28。61 ~ 70岁组别的患者数量最多。骨折类型中,桡骨远端骨折最多(53.34%)。在女性患者中,桡骨远端骨折占比最高(57.37%);在男性患者中,桡骨远端骨折占比最高(48.19%)。桡骨远端骨折在21 ~ 30岁患者中比例最低(38.27%),随着年龄增加呈上升趋势,在91 ~ 100岁组别中比例最高(71.43%)。尺骨茎突伴桡骨远端骨折占比16.15%,其中患者61 ~ 70岁年龄段比例最高(22.84%),1 ~ 10岁和91 ~ 100岁组别中均为最低(0%)。尺骨远端伴桡骨远端骨折占比9.90%,其中1 ~ 10岁年龄段比例最高(52.63%),91 ~ 100岁组别中最低(0%)。腕舟状骨骨折患者21 ~ 30岁年龄段比例最高(27.55%),在1 ~ 10岁和91 ~ 100岁组别中均为最低(0%)。其他骨折类型91 ~ 100岁年龄段比例最高(28.57%),随着年龄增加占比逐渐减少,在1 ~ 10岁组别中比例最低(1.75%)。小多角骨的住院时间最长,平均住院时间为(10.40±6.77)d。豆骨骨折的住院时间其次,住院时间为(7.06±3.56)d,男性为(7.25±3.77)d,女性为(6.60±3.36)d。尺骨茎突伴桡骨远端骨折的住院时间最短,平均为(4.18±1.62)d。结论 腕部骨折患者女性多于男性,总体上男性患者的住院时间略长于女性患者,住院时间的性别差异表明男性骨折严重程度较高或者恢复时间更长。桡骨远端、尺骨茎突伴桡骨远端、尺骨远端伴桡骨远端、腕舟状骨骨折在腕部骨折中占比较高。随年龄升高,桡骨远端骨折、女性患者在腕部骨折中占比有逐渐升高趋势,而腕舟状骨骨折占比有逐渐降低趋势。研究结果为制定针对性预防措施和优化个性化治疗提供了重要参考。
      Objective To investigate the epidemiological characteristics of the inpatient treatment of wrist fractures patients at National Center for Orthopaedics of Shanghai Sixth People's Hospital over the past year since its official launch.Methods Retrospective data were collected on patients with wrist fractures who were admitted and treated at the National Center for Orthopedics of Shanghai Sixth People's Hospital from February 2023 to February 2024. The composition of different types of fractures was statistically analysed, and their trends with age, sex, and length of hospital stay were examined.Results This study collected data from 2 960 patients with wrist fractures, including 1 297 males (43.82%) and 1 663 females (56.18%), with a male to female ratio of 1:1.28. The highest number of patients was in the 61-70 age group. Among the fracture types, distal radius fractures were the most common (53.34%). Female patients had the highest proportion of distal radius fractures (57.37%), while male patients also had the highest proportion of distal radius fractures (48.19%). The proportion of distal radius fractures was lowest in the 21-30 age group (38.27%) and increased with age, reaching the highest in the 91-100 age group (71.43%). The proportion of ulnar styloid fractures associated with distal radius fractures was 16.15%, with the highest percentage observed in the 61-70 age group (22.84%) and the lowest in the 1-10 and 91-100 age groups (0%). The proportion of distal ulna fractures associated with distal radius fractures was 9.90%, with the highest percentage observed in the 1-10 age group (52.63%) and the lowest in the 91-100 age group (0%). The highest proportion of scaphoid fractures was in the 21-30 age group (27.55%), and the lowest was in the 1-10 and 91-100 age groups (0%). Other fracture types were most common in the 91-100 age group (28.57%) and least common in the 1-10 age group (1.75%). The hospital stay for trapezoid fractures was the longest, with an average duration of (10.40±6.77) d. Pisiform fractures ranked second with a mean hospital stay of (7.06±3.56) d, divided into (7.25±3.77) d for males and (6.60±3.36) d for females. The shortest hospital stay was for ulnar styloid fractures accompanied by distal radius fractures, with an average stay of (4.18±1.62) d.Conclusion Female patients with wrist fractures outnumber male patients, while the average hospital stay for male patients is slightly longer, indicating potentially greater fracture severity or longer recovery times in males. Distal radius fractures, ulnar styloid fractures combined with distal radius fractures, ulnar fractures combined with distal radius fractures, and scaphoid fractures account for a significant proportion of wrist fractures. With increasing age, the proportion of distal radius fractures and female patients among wrist fracture cases tends to rise, whereas the proportion of scaphoid fractures decreases. These findings provide valuable information for developing targeted prevention measures and optimising personalised treatment strategies.
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