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Clinical application of Spaso technique combined with supine scapular technique in reduction of anterior dislocation of shoulder
中文关键词:  肩关节前脱位  复位技术  Spaso技术  肩胛骨技术
英文关键词:Anterior shoulder dislocation  Reduction technique  Spaso technique  Scapular technique
任晔 祝文涛 杨洲 熊留阳 张津铭*  
通讯作者:任晔 祝文涛 杨洲 熊留阳 张津铭*    
摘要点击次数: 192
全文下载次数: 216
      目的 探讨急诊肩关节前脱位患者中,应用Spaso技术联合仰卧位肩胛骨技术在非麻醉状态下的复位效果。方法 回顾性分析2018年1月~2019年12月急诊就诊肩关节急性脱位患者16例。其中,男12例,女4例。喙突下脱位11例,盂下脱位5例,习惯性脱位6例,其余10例为首次脱位。16例脱位皆为外伤后导致,5例伴有肱骨大结节骨折。结果 所有患者在急诊室试行Spaso技术复位,8例复位成功,余8例中使用Spaso技术配合肩胛骨技术后7例复位成功,1例仍复位失败后在手术室静脉麻醉下技术复位成功。所有患者均未出现医源性骨折及神经血管损伤。结论 肩关节前脱位使用Spaso技术复位联合肩胛骨技术,可以增加单纯Spaso技术复位的成功率。
      Objective To investigate the reduction effect of Spaso technique combined with supine scapula technique under non anesthesia condition in emergency patients with anterior shoulder dislocation. Methods All 16 patients with acute dislocation of shoulder in emergency department from January 2018 to December 2019 were analyzed retrospectively. Among these patients, 12 patients were male and 4 patients were female. There were 11 cases of subcoracoid dislocation and 5 cases of subglenoid dislocation. Habitual dislocation occurred in 6 cases, and the remaining 10 cases were the first dislocation.All 16 dislocations were caused by trauma, among which 5 cases were accompanied by fracture of greater tubercle of humerus. Results All 16 patients were treated with Spaso technique, and the reduction was successful in 8 cases. Among the remaining 8 cases, 7 cases were successfully reduced with Spaso technique and scapula technique, and 1 case was successfully reduced under intravenous anesthesia in the operating room after failure of reduction. No iatrogenic fracture or neurovascular injury occurred in all patients. Conclusion Spaso technique combined with scapula technique can increase the success rate of simple Spaso technique.
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