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Clinical observation of adolescents with femoral neck fractures treated by gantry external fixation
中文关键词:  起重机架  外固定  青少年  股骨颈骨折  Harris评分
英文关键词:Gantry external fixation  External fixation  Adolescents  Femoral neck fracture  Harris score
梁大伟1 谭旭仪2 张蕾蕾1 张晓东1 李建明1 刘又文1 陈献韬1*  
通讯作者:梁大伟1 谭旭仪2 张蕾蕾1 张晓东1 李建明1 刘又文1 陈献韬1*    
摘要点击次数: 248
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      目的 观察起重机架外固定在青少年股骨颈骨折中的应用效果。方法 选择河南省洛阳正骨医院2010年2月至2015年3月期间收治的青少年股骨颈骨折患者,共82例(82髋),按照固定方式分为起重机架组及空心钉固定组各41例(41髋),两组分别在G型臂透视下进行平乐正骨手法复位,第2次不成功者即进行SP切口开放复位,空心钉固定组采用空心钉固定,起重机架组采用起重机架外固定,随访观察两组患者骨折愈合及功能恢复情况。结果82例患者均完成手术治疗。随访时间24 ~ 60个月,起重机架组在手术时间、术中出血量和术后并发症等均低于空心钉固定组,髋关节Harris评分和疗效优于空心钉固定组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 青少年股骨颈骨折起重机架外固定是一种有效的治疗方法,具有操作简便、创伤小等优点。
      Objective To observe application effect of gantry external fixation in adolescents with femoral neck fracture. Methods From February 2010 to March 2015, a total of 82 adolescents (82 hips)diagnosed with femoral neck fracture they were divided into gantry external fixation group and hollow nail fixation group with 41 cases each (41 hips) according to the fixed method. The two groups were respectively treated with Pingle bone-setting manipulation reduction under G-arm fluoroscopy, and patients who failed to reposition by two manipulations were treated with SP incision open reduction. The hollow nail fixation group was treated with cannulated nail fixation, and the gantry external fixation group was treated with external fixation of crane frame. The fracture healing and functional recovery of the two groups were observed. Results All the 82 patients underwent surgical treatment. The follow-up time was 24-60 months. The follow-up results showed that the operation time, intraoperative blood loss and postoperative complications of gantry external fixation group was lower than the hollow nail fixation group, and Harris hip score and curative effect was better, all with a statistically significant difference(P<0.05). Conclusion External fixation with gantry external fixation for adolescent femoral neck fracture is an effective treatment, with the advantages of convenient operation, minimally invasive.
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