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Progeress of affecting factors and clinical significance in Modic changes of cervical spine
中文关键词:  颈椎  Modic改变  影响因素
英文关键词:Cervical spine  Modic change  Affecting factors
马昱堃 俞兴* 王逢贤  
通讯作者:马昱堃 俞兴* 王逢贤    
摘要点击次数: 238
全文下载次数: 209
      Modic changes of cervical spine are abnormal singal changes of vertebral endplate and subchondral bone marrow in different weighted images of MRI. The degree of cervical disc degeneration is currently recognized by most scholars as the influencing factor with the highest correlation with cervical Modic changes. Whether other factors such as gender, age and neck pain are related to cervical Modic changes is still controversial. Modic changes of cervical spine may be one of the risk factors to reduce the efficacy of non-surgical treatment. The presence of Modic changes in the cervical spine may not have a significant impact on the outcome of surgery, but the fusion rate of early postoperative bone graft, the occurrence of symptomatic ASD and the axial symptoms may be affected.
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